Amida Artisans

Empowering the real food revolution

Amida Artisans

Dedicated to supporting artisan communities

Amida Artisans

Providing only the best ingredients and products from Japan

Amida Artisans

Experience real taste from traditions that capture the wisdom of the past

Amida Artisans

Growing and producing in the mountains of Kamakura, Japan


Amida Artisans’ mission is to empower the real food revolution through the provision of artisanal products. We provide a place where you can learn, be inspired, get products, and participate in real food adventures. Celebrating the beauty and wonder of the artisanal lifestyle and the growing and supplying of pure, unadulterated products is our passion. Our e-shop features only artisanal products and information on artisans, history, cuisine, culture, and much more from a like-minded

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Dried Goods

Amida Artisans Community

Creating a community that supports artisans


green seaweed in the rough ocean.

Konbu: The Flavor and Nutrition
Powerhouse of the Sea

For thousands of years, sea vegetables have been a staple of Japanese cuisine, with dozens of varieties infusing the local diet with distinct flavors and high levels of minerals and vitamins. Of all sea vegetables, however, konbu—a kind of edible kelp—stands out for its above-average flavor-enhancing capabilities and incredible health benefits.

shiitake mushrooms naturally growing from the log.

Dried Shiitake Mushrooms:
A Workhorse in the Kitchen

Dried shiitake mushrooms, with a satisfying chew and full-bodied taste, are a boon to any recipe. In addition to their contributions in the flavor department, dried shiitake pack a nutritional punch, providing vitamin D, dietary fiber, potassium, and folate among other nutrients.